Shakira Hilton is the new chairman of White Horse Housing Association’s Tenant Scrutiny Panel.
Originally from the West Midlands, she moved with her son to Wroughton, just outside Swindon, more than 30 years ago to be closer to family, continue her studies and resume teaching.
She said: “I’m very happy to be part of the scrutiny panel. It's my way of giving something back to say thank you to White Horse Housing.
“I’ve gone through a lot with them and if it weren't for them, I don't know what my life would be like. I’m dyslexic and they could have made me feel very awkward about it but I’ve always been treated with warmth and understanding and I just want to pay that back.”
Shakira suffers from a variety of illnesses, including lupus and arthritis but remains determined not to let it get in the way of living her life. She wants to use some of that positivity on the panel.
“I just want people to see someone who has gone through a lot of things and can see the good the housing association is doing for people. Because I do appreciate what they're doing, and when you see how hard the staff work to make us happy it’s eye-opening.”
Shakira worked at Swindon College teaching hair, beauty and media makeup, skill she first gleaned when she worked for a company organising photoshoots for models. She was also a mentor across the college. She was involved in organising the college’s spectacular theatrical and special effects make-up shows. She studied for a PCET in teaching at Greenwich University in London and intends to return some day to study for a master’s, followed by a PhD in health and social care management.
“I want to be one of those people that tries to help society,” she says. “Just in the background, doing my little bit.”