White Horse Housing Association’s board and members of its Tenant Scrutiny Panel have spent a day discussing the organisation’s priorities for the year ahead.
It is the third year in succession the tenants have come together with board members to discuss a range of topics aimed at maintaining the service to tenants and residents.
They met at the Beechfield House Hotel near Melksham to look at ways to keep tenants informed on developments and services as well as consider further development of the Tenant Scrutiny Panel to help make it more accessible to a wider range of tenants.
The day was led by Helen Franklin of Free To Lead Consulting. She said: “White Horse are a principled and trusted organisation focused on providing affordable, quality, sustainable homes for people in need.
“The Tenant Scrutiny Panel is, a passionate and committed group of tenants who ensure that White Horse continue to provide great homes, service and ultimately support their communities.”
Board chairman David Trethewey was pleased with the way the day went. “White Horse Housing has a really clear purpose and ambition to be a trusted provider of excellent services and affordable, sustainable homes, working together with rural communities and this session was about how we make that a reality,” he said.
“It matters to our tenants that the service is excellent and we listened to the members of our scrutiny panel about what that means for them and how we can ensure they get full engagement. We looked at our asset management plans and how we could continue to keep our homes well maintained and sustainable for the future.
“Our services have never been more in demand an I am proud of the work everyone does, the great staff team, the board, our tenants, our contractors and our partners.”
Chief Executive Steve Warran added: “It was a really useful and productive day and I’m especially pleased the tenants were able to join us.
“We always strive to put our tenants and residents at the heart of all our decision making and having them as part of the process guarantees their views remain at the forefront of our discussions.”